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, by George Garrigues

Free Ebook , by George Garrigues
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Product details
File Size: 11723 KB
Print Length: 143 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: City Desk Publishing (September 21, 2016)
Publication Date: September 21, 2016
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#638,293 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I was attracted to this work of non-fiction because I was a battered wife for ten years. The fact that these events took place in the early 1900’s piqued my curiosity. I wondered how different things were in those days. This is the story of Margaret Claire Beutinger and her husband, Christof Beutinger. On Tuesday, July 11th, 1916, Margaret shot Christof in the bedroom of their large home in Essex County, New Jersey. Two of their daughters were witnesses to the crime. What followed provides a picture of how women were viewed in those early years of the twentieth century. Despite corroborated evidence of years of spousal abuse, Margaret was arrested and subsequently indicted for the murder of her husband. During their marriage she had borne seven children, and five had survived. At one point she had divorced Christof but under the advice of a priest and a nun, and perhaps pressure, she had reunited with him. Despite all his promises, Christof never gave up drinking, gambling, and his abusive behavior. Also, he exhibited cruelty toward their children. Shortly before she shot him, Margaret had purchased a gun which she kept under a pillow in her bedroom. The question that arose during her trial was whether she had premeditated the murder. While she had purchased the gun not long before firing the shots that killed her husband, years of abuse and fear for her life were certainly mitigating circumstances in acquiring a weapon to defend herself. The laws related to self-defense were specific. Did Margaret have any recourse other than shooting her husband? Could she have escaped? Margaret’s testimony regarding the event varied somewhat. She stated that Christof had entered the bedroom twice before she was driven to defend herself. The two little girls were asleep in the bed and woke when they heard their parents shouting. Margaret fired five shots into her husband. In one report she stated she had drawn the pistol from beneath her pillow, in another, she said she took it from her dresser. Perhaps the greatest challenge to Margaret’s freedom was the question of a woman’s rights. Did a woman have the right to her body or was she the property of her husband? At the time, only men were permitted on juries. This could be viewed as either an obstacle or a plus for the defendant. Certainly her years of abuse should have counted toward her defense. The abuse was exceedingly violent and there were numerous medical reports to substantiate her claims. The week before the incident Christof had beaten her enough to give her a black eye. But this trial wasn’t about marital abuse. It was also about women’s rights. The 19th amendment granting women the right to vote had not yet been ratified. This was the most interesting aspect of the book. I felt that the author did an excellent job of describing the social inequality of the day. There was evidence of the beginning shift in perceptions. Vivid descriptions of the torment Margaret experienced were presented. Her small children sat in the gallery behind the defense table. On the one hand, her perceived female fragility was highlighted. On the other hand, the right of a woman to her own body was put forth. The author investigates the complexities of the evidence, leaving the reader to draw her own conclusions. Was Margaret a cold-blooded killer or a wife driven to defend herself on fear of death? The author presents a multi-dimensional picture that is compelling.I recommend this book to anyone interested in the history of women’s rights, law in the early twentieth century, and spousal abuse.
This story is very tragic and quite commonplace during the time period. Mrs. Margaret Claire Beutinger suffered years of physical abuse at the hands of her cruel brute of a husband. Many times he had threatened to kill her. When she told him she had endured enough and had decided to divorce him, he began to assault her and she shot him dead. Of course she was charged with murder. Her first trial ended with a hung jury, but she was tried a second time.The story is told through the accounts of various newspapers of the time. Women were not supposed to harm men. The law said she should have run away! What, and wait until the next time, then run away again? What about her five children? If she was expected to submit to being murdered, didn't she have a right to protect her children?
An interesting book and, for the type of book it is, it is very well written. I did find it depressing, however. I would like to sample other writings of this author.
it told the story well. kind of kept you guessing and that's the fun part.
If I had wanted to read old newspaper accounts, I'd have gone to the library.
This has prospect for being a five-star book. The reason I rate it three stars is because it was mostly a compilation of old newspaper clippings with a brief narrative thrown in here and there.Yes, it is a true crime story, which makes it hard to write. As I began to read, I’d expected a little more of a narrative than who said what at what time, especially with Mr. Garrigues being a longtime journalist. For someone that hasn’t lived in that era, and loves to disappear in those times, I’d hoped for more of a painted picture of the times and the scene of the crime.George Garrigues provided a slight background of the troubled family life. With each instant of the murder to the trial, he provides the dates as well as the magazine articles he got the information from. In the end of the story, he offers his own opinion of what really happened in 1916 when a wife murdered her wealthy, extremely abusive husband. He also provides “where they are now†as movies tend to do, which proved to be interesting.When I first saw the name of the book, I wasn’t too crazy about the title. However, when I reconsidered, I decided that I loved the title.
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